Finding a Cure for Upper Motor Neuron Diseases

There are many illnesses that affect people in the world, the country your state and your city. Many of these ailments such as cancer are broadly publicized and when it strikes close to home we are already prepared with ideas on how to assess the situation. However, not all ailments that hit close to home are well known. Some people are affected with diseases that will change the way they communicate and live their lives. The diseases that plague their lives are so uncommon it is rare that a cure for the disease has been a major topic in media.

Sarah Witt woke up one morning and realized that her life would never be the same. As she became disabled as a result of a motor neuron disease called primary lateral sclerosis, which is closely related to ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. While some people may have been stopped in their tracks this disease caused Witts, a woman who had once been a dedicated marthon woman to keep running. While she herself is unable to run she has managed to encourage people from all around to run in the honor of herself and other people around the world who have been affected by upper motor neuron disease.

Through her dedication and commitment to finding a cure Witt created the Magnificent Mile Race as a way to help fund researchers to find a cure for upper motor neuron diseases. This year will be the fourth annual Magnificent Mile Race bringing Witt and others who are dedicated to finding a cure one step closer.

Ths story is an inspiration to be for so many reasons. I too have been affected by rare diseases with no causes and have seen it nearly destroy my family. It is truly encouraging to see the efforts of one woman go so far and to have it happen right in my back yard is truly AMAZING! If Sarah can work to find a cure...what is it that we can do to change the world?

Support Sarah Witt on September 13, 2009 for the fourth annual Magnificent Mile Race in downtown Raleigh, N.C.

Check out this video about the race.


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